Saturday, March 24, 2012

Welcome Back from Spring Break!

Today was the first day of fourth quarter.  Be sure and check your child's Take Home Folder for his or her progress report.  They should be very proud of their accomplishments!

We started our day working in our Exploratory centers.  Several students finished their center and were able to choose a new one today.  Ask your child about their current center and task.

After reflecting on last week's Canadian folktale, Tuk the Hunter, the students completed our Waste Not, Want Not book.  They worked in pairs to think creatively and brainstorm ways to reuse and recycle household trash items.

As they generated ideas, they typed them into our Power Point presentation.  I think  their ideas were terrific, but I was most impressed by how well they collaborated with their partner.  Every single pair worked hard, got along well and required little to no help.  Outstanding!  I see independent learners emerging!

In the afternoon, the students were introduced to our newest Quirkle, Pressure Pete.
In our experiment the students learned that air moves from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.  They brought a straw home to demonstrate our experiment.  Ask your child to share their science log with you.

They ended their day with Senora Gates' Spanish lesson.  

We had a great weekend!

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