Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Welcoming a New Friend

Today we welcomed our newest classmate.  She is outgoing and friendly and will be a great addition to our class!

This morning, I introduced the boys and girls to our math programs.  We began by working together in the Problem Solver series.  This program breaks down and targets one of ten strategies for solving math problems in each of its lessons.  This week's focus was on the strategy, “Use Logical Reasoning.”  The students worked well together to identify each clue and to solve the problem. 

Next, I introduced them to the TOPS (Techniques in Problem Solving) Math program.  TOPS is a challenging, individualized program that allows students to progress at their own pace.  As the students learn each of the 10 Problem Solver strategies, they will build their personal "toolbox" of skills and be better equipped to solve their TOPS Math cards.  Your child will have an opportunity to show you their TOPS Math work at our Oct. 2nd, SAGE Open House.

Today the students met our 2nd Quirkle Scientist, Andy Acid.

As a part of our experiment, the students used litmus paper to test lemon juice and a baking soda/soap solution to see if they were an acid or base. 

We moved through the scientific process, recording our hypothesis, observations and conclusions.  We also had an opportunity to discuss what a chemical reaction is. 

Next, we reviewed our procedures for using our Exploratory centers and how to keep our Exploratory learning contract up to date.   The students worked on their individual Exploratory tasks.  Ask your child about their progress and what they are learning.

Exploratory Work on PhotoPeach  

We also looked at some of the comments that have been posted by our Quadblogging friends.  This week, our blog is the focus for our group.  The classes from Gisborne, New Zealand, Formby, England and Norwich, England are stopping by our blog to see what we are learning, ask us questions and leave us their comments. 



In the computer lab, the E day students addressed the comments and questions from our new friends.  Each student chose one question to address in their very own blog comment.  We discussed how to post a comment and what is included in a "Quality Comment."  I am very pleased with their thoughts and efforts.  Each day, our different classes will read and respond to the comments left on our blog by our Quadbogging friends.  Take a moment to read some of their comments on It's Our Turn.  If you and your child have a little time, go and visit each of their blogs.  They would love your complimentary comments too.

Next we spent time discussing our classroom rules:
  1. There is no such thing as a dumb question or answer.
  2. This is a safe place to try new things.
  3. It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.”
  4. If you don’t understand, ask.
  5. If you still don’t understand, ask again.
  6. Be respectful of other peoples’ feelings and ideas.
  7. It’s okay to disagree– try explaining your ideas.
  8. It’s okay to be yourself, originality is in!
  9. None of us are perfect.
  10. This is a safe place to make mistakes- jump in a give it a try!
I am confident the boys and girls will find success with these rules.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week two and we are in the groove!

At the start of our SAGE day, the boys and girls finished writing the rough draft of their "Take a Closer Look at Me" poem.  They also typed them on their own.  Their projects are great!  They will be display at our Oct. 2nd Fall Open House.

Next, the students learned about International Dot Day and we read the book, The Dot. International Dot Day is a time to celebrate creativity in our children.  More than a half a millions teachers and students are participating in the global project.  Each child is asked to create their own dot image.  

The students came up with a diverse gallery of dots.  Check out the video below to see their creative dots!
 For anyone who has been afraid to express themselves - from a child in art class to an adult whose fear has shut down a dream, Peter H. Reynolds' book The Dot (Candlewick Press) is there to remind us all to "Make your mark, and see where it takes you."

After recess and lunch, we discussed Bloom's Levels of Thinking and what each level might look like.  I introduced our Exploratory centers and the procedures we follow to select and complete a center.  The students had an opportunity to look through the choices and list their top three picks.  The boys and girls met with me individually to be sure their first choice center is a good fit for them.  Ask your child which center he/she chose and what drew them to that center. 

The first step in beginning any center is to fill out their Exploratory Contract.  This helps me keep track of their individualized work and it empowers the children to become more independent in their learning.

After filling out their contracts, they had about 20 minutes to begin the reading at their chosen center.  Next week, they will have time to continue their reading and/or watch their center’s video.  (The Knowledge Level task usually takes 2-3 SAGE days to complete.)

Today, we also wanted to take advantage of our new podcasting booth.  Below you will find our very first individual podcasts.  We used the site, Audioboo.fm to make our recordings.  Each student made their podcast about something they learned from the center’s Knowledge Level reading task.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Terrific First Graders & What a Terrific Day!

The Rotation E day first graders are a tiny but mighty bunch.  This is our smallest class of the week, but they are full of energy, fun and wit!  (In case your worried or maybe hopeful, depending on your perspective, our class will grow to a full quantity by winter.)  It was nice to see my returning students and to have a chance to get to know our new classmates.   To learn more about one another, the students played a game.  They took turns asking a question of the group such as "Who else likes art?" or "Who else has a baby in their home?"  Each person won a point each time they raised their hand.  In the end, they each won four new friends and learned more about one another.

With that, we were off to our outdoor laboratory to discover how objects can be connected to a field of science.

They are a sharp class.  They quickly caught on knowing ways to connect hermit crab food, a sea shell, light bulb and pine cone to a field of science.  In the end, I stumped them on the nail polish and silk scarf.  Ask your child how they are connected?  There is a definite love of science in these boys and girls!  We have a lot of fun E Days ahead of us.

After a short recess, the students were introduced to the Quirkles Science Program.  Today, they learned about Inquisitive Inman.  We read an interesting story with numerous vocabulary words like: intelligent, immediately, instruments, and investigate.  Then we conducted our first investigation of the year.  Watch the video below to join us on our explorations.  Be sure and have your child share their science experiment log with you too.

After lunch, we used the Smart Board to refresh/ introduce some of our computer skills.  The boys and girls learned to log in to our computers with their new user name and password.  They also practiced accessing our class blog.  There are many wonderful student and parent resources on the tabs along the top of our Primary Thinkers "home" page.  We hope you will check back each week for new updates and to allow your child to practice commenting on our blog posts and to access the variety of resources here.

At the end of the day, the boys and girls learned about our newest classroom "feature."  Today, was the first day for our podcasting booth.  The students will use it for making audio podcasts and videos.

The boys and girls helped me make our very first podcast to thank Mr. Porras, my neighbor, for building our booth.  Each class will contribute a part of the project we will give him to show our appreciation.

 This is the beginning of our Thank You project:

Did they enjoy their first podcast.....

I think so...  Have a great week!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our Quadblogging Friends

This year we will be participating in a global learning collaboration called Quadblogging.  The Quadblogging project matches four classrooms from around the world to share their blogs and share their learning.

For more information, go to our Primary Thinkers home page.