Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Our Busy E Day!

The students got quite a bit work work done today!

We started our day working in the Math Rules problem solving program.  We are focusing on finding the important information in the word problem and in the illustration.  We also discussed the key words that tell us if we need to add or subtract and ways we can show our thinking.

Next, using Microsoft Word as our tool, the students worked to type their paragraph.  Along the way, we learned to use the "tab" key to indent, the space bar to space appropriately between words and after punctuation, right-click to correct spelling errors and to save and print our documents.  (One student, that shall remain unnamed- LOL, got tired of typing, "basketball player" so I showed him how to copy and paste.) When they completed typing their paragraph, they we able to format their font for style.  Their paragraphs look great!

After recess and lunch, the students began working in their Exploratory area.  The students were able to complete the Knowledge and and at least some of the Comprehension level task.  They are now able to select any of the remaining tasks to complete.  Ask your child to tell you about their center work and a fact or two they learned about their topic. 

Next the students were introduced to our procedures for using the TOPS Math Problems Solving Program and began their individualized work.   We ended our day working on an open-ended critical thinking exercise that focused on flexible thinking.  It takes time and practice but everyone can improve their divergent to thinking abilities.

One area in which almost all of my students need to work is "doing their very best!"  It takes time to adjust to the expectations in our class.  Many of the students tend to rush through their work.  This results in careless mistakes, less elaboration, messier work and a general reduction in the quality of their projects/assignments.  Please remind your child I am looking for their personal best effort, especially on final draft projects, Exploratory tasks and problem solving exercises.  With patience and attention to detail they will be surprised by the quality of work with which they can achieve.

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture of those hard workers!! I look forward to open house, and think this will help on mine striving for her best more!!
